How are the quality and variety of foodstuff in Iran?

Those who have been to Iran know about the quality and variety of Persian kebabs and stews. There are different types of restaurants. You can find new spices and herbs you haven’t seen before, but Iranian dishes are not as spicy as Indian food. People add a moderate amount of them to the food just to make it more delicious. Because there are not genetically modified vegetables and fruits in Iran, the taste is rich and old. the quality of food in Iran

The meat served in the restaurants is usually chicken, fish, lamb, and veal. Of course, you can find quail, turkey, and shrimp too, but no frog, pork, snake, dog, or other sorts. It is prohibited to eat them in Islam and this is observed everywhere. The vegetarians can find cooked or raw vegetables at hotels and in restaurants. However, it is better to inform your tour guide about this matter so he could arrange it for you

Food in Iran is hygienic, healthy, and clean, and almost everywhere you can see that plastic gloves used to handle the food-making process. However, on very hot summer days, it is better to avoid eating minced meat, grilled liver, or any other food that looks in a way that may possibly have not been used for long. When choosing a place to eat, see if it looks clean and has more customers, and also that the vendor looks clean and neat.

In general, the quality of food in Iran tends to be reasonable, clean, and healthy.

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