The Squacco Heron

The Squacco Heron

Also named Ardeola Ralloides is a small and stocky heron. It breeds in the Middle East and Southern Europe and migrates to Africa for the winter.

The Squacco Heron is the smallest heron among the white species in Iran and it looks like a Little Bittern and relatively abundant in summer. Its body is buff-brown but in flight, its wings are white. In the breeding phase, the feathers become longer and golden-white with black lines on the head and neck.

This species usually feeds alone and rarely occurs in flocks. The Squacco Heron is found in marshy wetland and nesting in small colonies – often together with other wading birds. It mostly feeds on insects, fish, and amphibians.

We could observe this species in north, South-west, South of Iran and already in most of marshes summer season.

