Persian Classical Music

Persian classical music includes instruments, tunes, and songs. It has existed for thousands of years. This music has been present in the lives of Persians. Nowadays, more beautiful, understandable, and simple classical music are accessible.

A large part of the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, and Greece have been affected by the impact of this music. Each has had a partial role in shaping it. However, among the musicians and instrumentalists, Barbod and Nakisa can be named.

Persian classical music includes a collection of songs and melodies created for many years that reflects the morale of the people of Iran. First, the rhythm and special tone of Persian music impact the listeners and create an atmosphere that separate them from the material world. Second, the sensation and the feeling of this music have their roots in the ancient and mystic spirit of Iranians, which multiplies the pleasure of the listeners.

The traditional Persian music consists of 12 sets. Among them, 7 sets that are called Dastgah are more independent. The other five sets are dependent and come from Dastgahs, which are known as Avaz. Besides, the seven Dastgahs and five Avazes, there are 228 Gushehs that are the way of musicians and singers perform.

Persian miniature painting, Tar