Category: Birding News

Symbolic Meaning of Peacock

The symbolic meaning of the Peacock in Persian contexts: Ornaments, Luxury, Pride, Grandeur, Self-absorption, Judgment Day, Life full of love, Royal life, Beauty, Reign, Dignity, Fame, Material pride, Immortality, Being praised by everyone. In legendary and folk beliefs the peacock is the destroyer of the Serpent. So, it is known as the cause of fertility. In addition, in grudges and heretic oaths this bird was mentioned. It has also been…

National Bird-watching Day

National Bird-watching Day One day on the Iranian national calendar is dedicated to National Bird-watching Day for the first time in the year of 2010 by environmental and nature activists and the last Thursday in November of each year is designated as National Bird-watching Day. National Committee on Tourism, in support of the National Birdwatching Day celebration, has recognized the move for cultural development to protect Iran’s diverse bird species.…

International Mountain Day

International Mountain Day Mountains are home to 15% of the world´s population and a quarter of the world’s land animals and plants. They provide fresh water for everyday life to half of humanity. Unfortunately, mountains are under threat from climate change and overexploitation. The rising temperatures also mean that mountain glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates, affecting freshwater supplies downstream for millions of people. International Mountain Day is celebrated on 11 December…

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day World Tourism Day celebrations led by UNWTO every year on 27 September to raise awareness among people about the importance of tourism and how it helps in the economic growth of the country or any region. The aim of celebrating World Tourism Day is to highlight the global significance of tourism as a tool for global development and cultural enlightenment. No doubt countries all over the world…

World Peace Day

World Peace Day The International Day of Peace is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. World Peace Day The peace dove flying with an olive branch in its beak is one of the…

National Robin Day

National Robin Day National Robin Day is an annual nationwide event raising awareness of small birds and other wildlife in winter and how you can help them through this tough time of year. On 21st December, National Robin Day will bring people together, inspiring them to take action for wildlife. ​ The nation’s favorite bird, robins symbolize the festivities of Christmas time. The cold winter months are especially tough for animals;…

World Animal Day

World Animal Day World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4. This day is commemorated to draw worldwide attention to the endangered species of animal species. Animals can’t talk in the conventional way that humans communicate with each other. But there’s one day where we can all give a voice to the animals who can’t speak for themselves. On…

Crane Day on November 6

Crane Day on November 6 Due to the presence of more than 12,000 Cranes in the second half of the year at Miqan Wetland in Arak / Iran, on November 6 has been named Crane Day. Crane Day is dedicated to informing, familiarize and educate the sustainable use of Miqan wetland, as well as emphasize the ecological value of wetland and the importance of preserving this area and with the…